Understanding And Repairing Cb Radios Pdf Download

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English from page 24
1/ Superstar 360 board layout.gif
2/ Superstar 3900 circuit schematic.jpg
1/ This is the Superstar 360 MK1 board layout with pots 16KB
2/ Superstar 3900 Circuit Schematic .jpg 427KB
1/ PRESIDENT JACKSON board layout.jpg
2/ PRESIDENT JACKSON circuit schematic.jpg
1/ This is the board layout and pots of the President Jackson. 13KB
2/ This is the schematic manual for the President Jackson 1.77MB
The COBRA 148 Page
This page dedicated to the 'classic SSB radio' of the 80's. A brief description and adaptation plans, schematics etc.....
STALKER 9 FDX Circuit Layout
Alignment of RX
Alignment of RX 2
Alignment of PLL+Oscillator
Alignment of TX
Freq. Of Oscc.+ IF stage RX
This download is the circuit diagram in high quality of the Stalker 9 FDX
This is the alignment details for RX
Alignment details RX 2
Alignment of PLL and Carrier Oscillator Portion
Alignment of TX section
Frequencies of Local Oscillators and IF stage in RX state
Cb radio manuals pdfReply | You aren't logged in. (Guest)1

Dear friends,

Secondary Systems (CB Fail, U/F, Metering, LV cabling), Period Contract Plant and Relays, Software Parameter Tables, Design Modules, and Drawing Lists. Some Civil content removed and now included in Civil Standard. CB Radio Repair Books CB shops are getting few and far between. Most of the ones still in business are in business simply because they charge outrageous prices. Don't get me wrong there are still honest CB shops around. The cost of operating a CB shop has increased greatly over the past several years. Understanding & repairing CB radios by Lou Franklin, 1988, CB City International edition, in English - 1st ed.

Robin Roeckers in another_thread asked about resources to help with reading schematics, identifying components under the chassis, etc. While this does not directly answer his questions, we can take the opportunity to create a thread with a list of the best books available in English for radio circuitry theory and practical radio servicing knowledge.

Some of the top choices would be:

Cb Radio Manuals Pdf

1. 'Elements of Radio Servicing' by William Marcus and Alex Levy

2. 'Elements of Radio' by Abraham Marcus and William Marcus

Both of these are commonly available from used book dealers such as Amazon.com.

Book #2 above was the book that helped me the most in learning radio theory. It was written specifically to teach radio theory in a nonmathmatical manner, relying on illustrations, graphs, and discussion instead of mathmatical formulas to teach theory. I read this book when I was about 14 years old, and it really opened my eyes and brought me to a new level of understanding of theory at that time. Although some of us have the technical understanding to handle advanced theory literature, most people are going to be more comfortable with and learn more from a book like 'Elements of Radio.'

Book #1 is the most commonly cited book as being helpful for practical servicing advice.

I realize there are places in existing threads where these books are mentioned on RMorg, but there is no simple list of the best English radio-related books yet. Perhaps if others add additional titles here, we can create such a list that is helpful for those who want to learn. What are some of your recommendations?

Understanding And Repairing Cb Radios Pdf Download Free

Best regards,


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