If you want to undo typing (or redo-typing) on the iPad or iPhone, a simple shake of the device should help you. Things are actually so crazy that you can actually shake-to-undo even on the Mac with software. But shaking the iPad – generally – doesn’t look like a normal behavior. Imagine that you’re in the bus and typing something on the iPad and all of a sudden, shake the hell out of. Accessing the undo command on the iPhone and iPod touch is as easy as shaking the device but the iPad is decidedly less-easy to move easily, and as. IPad / Ipad redo, Ipad undo / October 30, 2012 March 22, 2014 If you are a Windows guy you may be addictive to the Ctrl + Z when editing a document on your PC. Yes, people make mistakes, we need to reverse, modify, undo and redo.
Undo and Redo
Many apps allow people to shake the device to undo and redo certain operations, such as typing or deleting. When initiated in this manner, an alert asks the user to confirm or cancel the undo or redo operation.
Briefly and precisely describe the operation to be undone or redone. The undo and redo alert title automatically includes a prefix of “Undo ” or “Redo ” (including the trailing space). You need to provide an additional word or two that describe what’s being undone or redone, to appear after this prefix. For example, you might create alert titles such as “Undo Name” or “Redo Address Change.”
If you use the shake gesture for undo and redo, don’t use it for other actions. Although you can programmatically give multiple meanings to the shake gesture, you run the risk of confusing people and making your app unpredictable.
Provide undo and redo buttons sparingly. It’s confusing when apps provide multiple ways to perform the same task. If your app truly warrants dedicated undo and redo buttons, use the standard system-provided icons and put them in an expected location, such as a navigation bar.
Perform undo and redo operations in the current context only. Undo and redo should have a clear and immediate effect on the current context, not an earlier one.
For developer guidance, see UndoManager.
•Whether you are typing something in Notes,writing an email,messaging your friends on Whatsapp or posting something on Facebook,there are times you want to undo/redo what you wrote.
•Just shake your iPhone/iPad, and you'll see an option to Undo/Redo typing.
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How To Redo On Iphone Notes
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